Wednesday, March 8th, 2017

Agm Announcement To All Members From Tom Scott, Ceo

Agm Announcement To All Members From Tom Scott, Ceo


First of all I would like to apologise for the delay in announcing the Agenda for the AGM which will take place on Wednesday 22nd March in the Graeme Hick Pavilion at 7.00 pm – this has been down to a few minor technical and administrative issues.

The Agenda follows this announcement and the Full Report will be shown here on Thursday 9th March 2017.



1.      Apologies for Absence

2.      To confirm the Minutes of the Meeting held on 16th March 2016

3.      President’s Address

4.      To receive and approve the Annual Report and the Statement of Accounts.

5.      To elect a President for the forthcoming year.  Your Board recommend the election of Norman Gifford MBE.

6.      To seek approval by the AGM for the further appointment of Mr Stephen Taylor and Mr Fanos Hira as Non-Executive Additional Directors of the Board for 2016/2017 as per Rule 18.5

7.      To confirm the election to the Board from 1st October 2016 of Ms Meriel Harris and Mr Richard Coles for three years as per rule 18.7.

8.      To approve changes to the Rules – see Addendum.

9.      To pass a Vote of Thanks to the Club’s Honorary Medical Officer, Mr Andrew Pearce

10.  Further thanks to Henwick Halt Medical Centre in St Johns, the Spire South Bank Hospital and the Bull Ring Dental Practice in St Johns.

11.  To receive any other business that the Chairman of the Meeting shall give permission to be raised and discussed (in accordance with rule 22.7)

Item 8. To approve changes to club rules as follows;-


Further to the decision of members in 2014 to alter the Club`s Financial Year, it has become necessary to make further changes to the Club Rules. 

Additional Resolution to be presented for decision at forthcoming  AGM :-.

` That the Rules referred to below be altered with immediate effect`.

22.  Financial year. In accordance with the above decision of 2014, amend all reference in the published Rules to read ` 1st January to 31st December`

18.6  Board Year (present rule)

The  Board year shall commence on first day of October each year and end on the following last day of September coinciding with the financial year of the Club, and the election of Members of the  Board shall be arranged to take place so that elected candidates can take office by October.  The election of the successful candidates shall be confirmed at the Annual General Meeting immediately following.

Replace with  ` The Board Year shall commence at the point in each AGM when both the Elected and Additional Directors are confirmed and end at the same point on the Agenda at the next AGM.`

18.7  Board Elections (present rule)

The candidates for election, each of whom must be a Member in his (or her) own right (as defined in 7.2 above) will be elected by Members by paper ballot.  Each proposal of a candidate for election must be seconded by 5 members in writing and the proposer and seconders must each be full Members of the Club.  The nomination in writing must be with the  Chief Executive by 1st August, and each nomination must be signed by the proposer and seconders and by the candidate, and must provide the candidate’s full name, address, age, which information will be provided on the ballot form sent to Members.

Replace with  ‘The candidates for election, each of whom must be a Member in their own right (as defined in 7.2 above) will be elected by Members, by paper ballot.  Each proposal of a candidate for election must be seconded by 5 members in writing and the proposer and seconders must each be full Members of the Club.  The timetable for the election of Board Members will be at the discretion of the Chief Executive who will publish this via the Club’s Website.  It will be so arranged as to ensure that the result of any ballot can be determined by the date of the AGM.  In accordance with the Club’s legal obligations, the Board has a responsibility to ensure that each candidate is ‘a fit and proper person’ to serve as a company director and is not barred from doing so.  No serving or past member of the Board may propose or second a candidate for election and no member may propose or second more than one candidate.  All candidates for election must take personal responsibility for the preparation and submission of their nomination form and the integrity of the information appearing thereon.  They must also be known personally by those members proposing and seconding them.

22.1 Annual General Meeting (present rule)

The Annual General Meeting shall take place not later than the end of February following the end of the financial year.

Replace with `The Annual General Meeting shall take place not later than the end of March following the end of the relevant financial year.


Members please note that the Board is presently engaged in a full scale review of the Constitution & Rules of the Club as required by the legislation under which we operate. To allow this to be completed, it is proposed to delay the next election of members to the Board until a time nearer the 2018 AGM and extend the terms of service of those directors due to retire this autumn until that time.

These transitional arrangements will form part of the above resolution.