Monday, July 11th, 2016

County Stars Of Yesteryear In ‘times Of Their Lives’ Evening For Mitch Benefit

County Stars Of Yesteryear In ‘times Of Their Lives’ Evening For Mitch Benefit

Worcestershire players from the most successful eras in the club's history will be joining forces for a 'Times Of Their Lives' evening in aid of skipper Daryl Mitchell's 2016 benefit year later this month.

Norman Gifford, Roy Booth, Duncan Fearnley, Steve Rhodes and Phil Neale will be recalling annecdotes from their respective eras at New Road.

They will be looking back at the Championship winnings years of the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s in the Chestnut Marquee on July 29.

BBC Hereford-Worcester's Dave Bradley will compere the evening which runs from 8pm to 10pm.

Tickets are priced £8 in advance and £10 on the evening for what is bound to be a night of nostalgia from some of the key figures in the county's proud heritage.

If you require further information then ring Mark Ashbourne on 07506 747619 or email